American Art Print

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American art - taken from life

Art print with American can be ordered at American art is a style in art, literature and music that portrays contemporary social reality and focuses on the everyday activities of ordinary people. The movement began in literature in the mid-19th century and became a major trend in the visual arts in the early 20th century. Whether it was a cultural performance or a view of the center of the city, American realist works sought to define what was real. The new generation at the beginning of the 20th century focused on works that reflected city life. For example, the artists of the De Ashcan School from New York wanted to capture the feeling of the city through realistic portraits of everyday life. This group preferred to portray the rich culture of lower-class immigrants.

America in the early 20th century

Beginning in the early 20th century, tremendous industrial, cultural, and social changes took place in the United States. A wave of immigrants and increasing international trade brought growth and prosperity as well as poverty to American cities. Artists took inspiration from the textures, sounds and feelings of the city. Musicians followed the rapid changes and responded with a new and fresh pace. Authors and writers told an innovative story about Americans; boys and girls any American could have grown up with. American realism turned its back on fantasy and focused on the present. It can be seen as the portal of modernism. Art prints with American realism art is available at